DUI Lawyers and Attorneys in Kona, Kealakekua, and Serving Kailua Kona | Olson & Sons
Sometimes people make the mistake of getting behind the wheel intoxicated. If you are arrested and/or charged for driving under the influence ( DUI ),you should contact a locally based attorney immediately. We are your DUI lawyers in Kealakekua & Kailua Kona.
As stated on the Judiciary's
website, there are two aspects of your DUI arrest:
[1] "the Administrative Driver’s License Revocation Office (ADLRO)revokes the driver licenses of persons found to be operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant (DUI) (OVUII) and the motor vehicle registrations and license plates of persons found to be repeat offenders. The administrative revocation process set forth in HRS Chapter 291E, Part III is separate and distinct from [2)] criminal charges which may be filed in court as a result of an arrest for OVUII."
The ADLRO can restrict and take away your license, but cannot put you in jail. You have a right to a hearing to contest such; however, being that it is an administrative hearing, the burden of proof to establish a person was operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant is lower than is required in a criminal trial (proof beyond a reasonable doubt).
In contrast, a Criminal DUI (also known as OVUII) charge before a court of law may result in a jail sentence, fines, community service, assessments, court fees, substance abuse classes, and license restrictions / suspensions.
It is common practice in Kona (Kealakekua) and Kamuela for the Prosecutor to wait months after you have been arrested to formally charge you with a DUI.
A recent development in Hawaii's DUI law has been the implementation of the State's new Ignition Interlock Law. Unlike years past, an ignition interlock device allows a person who has had his or her license revoked by the ADLRO or the Court to continue to drive his or her vehicle during the mandatory license revocation period.
Regardless whether you need assistance with your ADLRO case or your criminal charge, OLSON & SONS can walk you through this complicated and duplicative process. Unlike the Court system on O'ahu, generally the State is always ready for its case when it is time for trial. So do not be mislead by DUI attorneys and lawyers suggesting that a case may be dismissed because the officer may not appear, as that is not the case here. We are local DUI lawyers familiar with the nuances of the courts and the prosecutors in Kealakekua and Kailua Kona ready to fight for you.
We are DUI attorneys in Kona and Kamuela, please call for an appointment.
*Nothing herein constitutes legal advice, you should seek an attorney before you take any action, nor does anything herein create an attorney client relationship.